A company’s brand is important. It is both a face and a name. It is what sticks most easily in the mind; it is that which stands out from the crowd. In this sense, we are RIND. This is important. It is who we have become, and we are proud of it. But like the faces of students on graduation day, both grateful for what they have accomplished and excited for what lies ahead, it is really a representation of all that has come before.

We started small. No computers. No Internet. The press, the Rolodex, and the telephone were what we had and what we knew. The technology has changed. Other things have too. But it has always been about the people: the values and hard work of the individuals behind the ever-changing tools, an unwavering commitment to our customers that has never changed. It has always been about relationships, both within and without.

Our story goes back over 40 years to a print company called Franklin Associates. It was here that Larry Franklin and Gene Diamond hired a housewife and mother of two named Carol as a part-time bookkeeper in 1975. When, after he and Larry parted ways, Gene started Gene Diamond Incorporated, he brought Carol with him. She and Gene went on to work together for 25 years. Along the way, Carol’s daughter Shannon joined the company, the first step in making the company a family business in the truest sense.

Upon Gene’s retirement, Carol purchased the business she had helped build. As part of this transition, the company was eventually renamed Ghoston Davis Associates and we proudly became a Mother & Daughter shop.

In this time, we established our identity. We formed partnerships with clients, rather than executing transactions, thereby challenging a print industry of “order takers.” We shifted our focus towards package engineering and became experts in our craft.

This is our tradition. These are our roots. This is the core of who we are. And now, as RIND, we conduct ourselves and our business upon this foundation, appreciating and growing from what brought us to where we are today.

We invite you to get to know us better with a conversation. Then let us not just tell you, but show you who we are.






"Through scratch and sniff, my nose and nails led me here."

At a young age, I loved when my mom returned from work with cool, novelty stickers - especially the scratch and sniff ones!

When I was around 10 years old, I graduated from those stickers to order forms. You may remember them—those multi-page, carbon copy forms that were used to place orders.

During my teenage years, I earned extra money delivering actual art boards of label design to our print shops. Before computers became part of our lives, everything was either typed, hand written or drawn. It was actually quite incredible when I think back to those times.

In my early 20’s, we made it official and I legitimately became an employee of GDA.

Now, as CEO, I have seen the industry go through a great deal of change. To name a few, I am typing this on my computer because those carbon copy order forms got put in the recycling bin long ago, and I no longer deliver art boards because art is digitally sent in less than a minute.

I have been extremely fortunate for the last two decades to work and learn from the best teacher, my Mom, Carol Davis. My Mom worked in this industry for over 35 years and was an incredible mentor, role model and friend. She has shown me you can have a successful career alongside of having a happy family life.

When I am away from the office, my time is spent with my husband, our two sons and two dogs. We love to be around our family and friends, enjoying everything life has to offer!





"I was born with ink in my blood."

When I was little, my Dad’s print shop was my playground.

When I was a little older, I understood companies depended on that "playground".

I started honing my skills in technical print production and offered clarity to clients in an industry full of poor communication. Rind is a manifestation of those skills and clarity.

When I’m not working, I spend most of my time with my wife Leslie and my son Wilder. We like to explore the peculiarities of life through traveling. When we aren’t traveling, you can find us in our garden.

When I’m old, I want to publish a book that stays relevant for decades.





Coming Soon!





"Labels are sticky and I got stuck."

When I was young, my parents and I moved around a lot; California, Washington, Arizona. I have experienced small towns, big cities and everything in between. Most people think that would have been hard on a child, while I think the opposite. All of that moving taught me how to communicate, make friends easily, gain confidence and that change is a positive thing. It really made me who I am today and helped me decide what I wanted to study in college - Communications / Public Relations.

After my graduation, I moved around a few times and was trying to figure out what it was that I really wanted to do with my life. I began working mostly in Executive Management and Event Planning. ... I was even on a reality show (what an experience!!). Even though I was in the field of my choosing and applying my degree, I realized that while I loved my job, I wasn’t passionate about it. I have strong skills in communication, administration, relationship building and marketing and I wanted to find a career, not just a job, that I was able to apply all of these skills.

In July 2015 I decided to make a major life change and join the Rind / GDA team. Being a part of this team has allowed me to apply the skills I possess, but more importantly it has allowed me to continue to learn! The people I work with, the creativity, the daily interactions; this makes me excited to come to work, and for the first time, I can confidently say I have found my “Career”.

When I am away from my Rind family, I am with my 9 year old son, Nicholas. We enjoy spending time with friends, camping, going to the beach and loving on our 2 fat cats!




Art Director

I like turtles.


Account Manager


Account Manager

"The printing press was at first mistaken for an engine of immortality by everybody except Shakespeare."

When I was 9 years old my mom decided to take a job offer in California and we moved here from Brazil. It was an amazing adventure at the time! And it still is. It was so challenging and rewarding to learn an entire new culture and language. Everything was so different from all I knew. Such a huge move created in me a passion for learning new things and meeting new people.

This passion led me to major in International Business so I could be open to working anywhere in the world. After graduation I worked in entertainment and project management and spent every vacation time traveling on a budget, and making the little money I had work for my ambitious travel plans. After much exploring and budgeting, I came to the conclusion that I wanted to apply my passion for numbers and relationships into sales and customer service. Joining the Rind team as an Account Manager has given me the opportunity to apply my skills and passion into a job that I actually love doing.

When I am not working or traveling, I spend my time with family and friends, trying out new restaurants and discovering local things to do. I love taking my dog Bear on long bike rides and I make sure to head to the beach any time I can. A true Brazilian never forgets her love for the ocean!



My job is to protect and serve. I love to go nuts when I see other dogs stroll by. It’s not the best way to communicate and, on occasion, you may hear me barking when you call. For the most part, I am pretty chill. The highlights of my job are: receiving treats, belly rubs, and walking around the business park looking for lizards. 

Larry & Duke


I mostly work remotely from home. When I am fortunate enough to be in the office, my main task is to boost office morale. Being that I am still a pup, I haven’t quite got the chill thing down like my big bro Larry. I love to run, jump, and look for leftovers in the trash.